The Anritsu Corporation and its group companies ("Anritsu"), recognizing its social responsibility to appropriately protect the personal information (information that can be used to identify a specific individual) of all individuals it has connections with, including its customers, shareholders/investors, business partners and employees, has adopted the following privacy policy, and will take all possible measures to ensure the proper handling and protection of personal information in its possession.
1. Anritsu will strictly comply with all laws, regulations and other social standards concerning the protection of personal information.
2. Anritsu will strive to properly administer personal information by appointing a person in charge of overall control of personal information and by placing a personal information administrator in each division that handles personal information.
3. Anritsu will educate its officers, staff and other personnel with regard to protection of personal information.
4. Anritsu will collect, use and provide personal information in an appropriate manner.
(1) It will collect personal information in an appropriate and fair manner, clearly stating the intended use at the time of collection.
(2) It will not collect "Special care-required personal information", except in cases where advance consent of the person concerned has been received or where permissible by law.
(3) It will use personal information only for the purposes specified by notification or public announcement, or that were made clear at the time of collection, except in cases where advance consent of the person concerned has been received or where permissible by law.
(4) It will not provide personal information to third parties other than group companies or their service providers, except in cases where advance consent of the person concerned has been received or where permissible by law.
(5) In cases where personal information is provided to third parties, or received from third parties, it will keep a record appropriately, except in cases where permissible by law.
(6) In cases where personal information is provided to service providers or others, it will take appropriate measures, in the form of a written contract or otherwise, to ensure that personal information is protected.
5. Anritsu will respond reasonably and appropriately to confirmation, revision or other requests from individuals regarding their own personal information, upon confirming their identities.
6. Anritsu will take all reasonable human, physical, technological, and operational measures to ensure that personal information is handled safely and shall make utmost efforts to prevent unauthorized access to, leakage, or loss of personal information.
7. Anritsu will periodically review this policy and associated company regulations and operating procedures, making revisions and improvements on an ongoing basis.
September 1, 2017
Handling of Personal Information
Purpose of Utilization
1. We will utilize your personal information for the following purposes:
2. Furthermore, for efficient business operation, we may provide your personal information to outsource part of the business to a third party. In this case, we will place an agreement with the third party on how to handle your personal information as necessary and appropriate to fully protect your personal information.
Disclosure and providing personal information to a third party
1. We will not disclose or provide personal data to a third party other than the above outsourcing purpose or unless we meet the following criteria:
Shared use of personal information
We may share your personal information within the group companies described below.
Items on shared usage of the personal data:
Scope of shared usage of the personal data
Purposes of usage of the personal data:
Responsibility of handling the personal data
Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, Termination of usage etc.
1. Should there be any inquiry on personal information we possess, or request to correct, delete or terminate the usage of the personal information due to error or change, we will confirm that the inquiry is from the said person, and within a timely manner and scope of disclosure, answer to the inquiry, correct or delete etc. such personal information.
2. Please be noted that deletion or termination of usage of part or entire personal information may hinder us from providing you satisfying services. (We may not be able to delete or terminate usage of those information we possess under certain law requirements.)
Contact Information
1. Please use the inquiry form (Contact Us) for any inquiries on your personal information or any questions regarding the Privacy Policy.
As a general rule, answer to inquiry will be in writing. For certain information, we may ask you to fill out our form. In these circumstances, we will send you those forms, so please kindly fill them out and send it back to us.
Cookie Policy
1. Usage of Cookies: Within some of the pages of our website, we use a technology called "Cookies" to enhance the experience of our website when you re-visit. "Cookies" is an industry standard technology which the server recognizes your computer. "Cookies" recognizes your computer, but unless you type in your personal information you will not be identified. Furthermore, depending on the type of your browser, you may choose to disable the cookies. As a consequence, there may be some cases where you may not be able to use partial or the entire services we provide.
2. Access log: We may collect your IP address and domain name within our Web server to analyze site access when you visit our website. These information will be deleted as necessary after the report is created.
The purposes of the Company shall be to engage in the following businesses:
GDPR Statement
On May 25th, 2018, the European Union's (EU) new data protection framework, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), came into effect. This most important piece of data protection legislation will impact any organisation that processes personal data in connection with goods and services offered to an EU resident, or monitors the behaviour of persons within the EU. The GDPR fortifies individuals' privacy rights through tighter limits of processing their personal data, significantly expanding their rights over their data, and providing increased transparency into the nature, purpose, and use of it.
Anritsu's Commitment to Data Protection and GDPR Compliance
Anritsu understands the importance of putting privacy and data protection in the hands of the data subject. As with other data protection laws, GDPR compliance requires commitment from both Anritsu and our customers.
Anritsu complies with applicable GDPR regulations as a data processor and by working in conjunction with our customers, we will explore opportunities within our service offerings to assist our customers to meet their GDPR obligations.
Where Do We Stand?
We are committed to addressing EU data protection requirements applicable to us as a data processor.
Our ability to fulfil our commitments as a data processor to our customers, the data controllers, is a part of our compliance with GDPR where data controllers are using parties like us to process personal data. Because of this requirement, Anritsu has worked extensively with the Legal Team and the Data Protection Officers to provide that our Data Protection Agreements and related agreements contain appropriate provisions for personal data we process, and balance the risks and responsibilities between data controllers and data processors.
Cross border transfer of personal data
As a global company, your personal data collected by Anritsu may be processed in or accessed from the country/region where your products and services are used or in other countries/regions where Anritsu or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers have a presence. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. In such circumstances, Anritsu will take measures to ensure that data is processed as required by GDPR and applicable laws in the area where the data is located.